Members and friends are invited to attend a meeting of FCC by video conference on Thursday 20 May to hear Dr Chloe Starr talk upon ‘Contemporary Christian Fiction in China’. Chloe Starr is Professor of Asian Christianity and Theology at Yale Divinity School. Her book Chinese Theology(2016), is a study of Chinese theological texts and their ties to literary forms. She is currently editing and translating a reader in Chinese Christian theology and working on a volume on Chinese Christian Fiction.She writes about her future book: “Despite its role in inculcating and shaping faith, Chinese Christian literature is too often left out of an analysis of Chinese Christianity by theologians. It is rarely studied by scholars of Chinese literature. This volume goes some way towards bridging the divide between theological and literary studies by showcasing the writings of celebrated contemporary Christian writers, including Shi Tiesheng and Bei Cun. ”Among her previous publications are Red-light Novels of the Late Qing (2007) and Surveying Galilee from a Chinese Observation Tower(2012). Harry Ching (St Martin in the Fields, London) will also join us to tell us about the “Hong Kong Ready Church” programme, where UK churches are preparing to welcome arrivals from Hong Kong (it has been reckoned that at least 130,000 people are expected to migrate to the UK from Hong Kong this year).

The timings are 5.45 pm to 7.15 pm BST (the room opens at 5.30 pm). If you would like to participate in this forum you will need an internet connected phone, tablet or computer with a microphone and a camera. Contact the secretary on and he will add you to the list and send you the joining details for the meeting.