
Friends of the Church in China is an ecumenical group of individuals, churches and organisations which builds links with both the Protestant and Catholic communities in China. It is a channel for Christians in Britain to thank God for the faith of the Christians of China, to pray for them, and to develop a meaningful relationship which enables mutual sharing and understanding.


Through the FCC members have opportunities to:

  • receive the FCC Update with news items from China which particularly relate to Christianity, information on FCC activities, relevant book reviews and news from members
  • receive a prayer leaflet focussing on Chinese Christians
  • support and learn about creative educational, social and development projects in cooperation with the Amity Foundation, the China Christian Council and Chinese seminaries
  • participate in on-line gatherings about the church in China
  • meet with visiting individuals and delegations from churches and seminaries in China, and with theological students on courses in Britain and Ireland


FCC is guided by a Constitution which identified three foundational activities:

  • an active participation in mutual visits between Britain and China;
  • an intentional commitment to a ‘fellowship of prayer’;
  • a role in helping churches in the UK understand more about Christianity in China.

The day-to-day running of the FCC is overseen by the FCC Committee who are elected at the Annual General Meeting.